Creating a Community Garden, Platz der Einheit, Oderberg, 12. - 14. November, 2021
Kinder am Tisch

The garden was planned together with the children.


Preparing the base of the herb

Movement class

Movement class with Liz and Beata.

garden beds

Building the raised garden beds.

preparing beds

Preparing the beds for soil with an underlying layer of cardboard.

herb spiral

Building the herb spiral.

Open Courtyards Oderberg

  August 21st & 22nd, 2021

Offene Höfe Oderberg is a city-wide event which brings historic courtyards together with art exhibits and performative events, such as, lectures, readings, theater, dance and music. Organized by the local non-profit, KulturLINIEN e.V. and under the direction of Johanna Martin, Offene Höfe attracted thousands of visitors to Oderberg during the two-day event. KuNaKu was one of 25 participating courtyards in 2021. Here is our program and a gallery of photos: 


Saturday August 21st 

10am Tanz für die Oder with Liz Erber, Beata Kana & Heike Fröhlich Roche (Global Water Dances - Oderberg), Opening Ceremonie, Museumspark.

Der Oderraum (12 - 5 pm)

Multimedia, Art & Activism Exhibit about the Oder River, its landscape, ecology and the planned Oder expansion plan. The interactive exhibit includes live exchanges with members of the Eberswalde water activist group, AG Wasser einFluss, and films from Maximilian Feldmann, Stephan Schulz, wildlife filmmaker, and Global Water Dances. Fine art from Elizabeth Pankhurst, Gabi Erne and Johanna Martin.

4pm: Lecture in German, Aktuelles zum Oderausbau und was er für uns bedeutet + Fragerunde (The current stand of the Oder Expansion Plan and what it means for us + Audience Questions) with Sascha Maier

+ Film premiere Save the Oder from Anja Freyhoff & Thomas Uhlmann

+ Film premiere Oderland I from Maximilian Feldmann, musical interpretation from Jan Wilkendorf 


Saturday August 21st

 Der Oderraum (11 - 17 pm)

Same program as Saturday + Save the Oder film from Anja Freyhoff & Thomas Uhlmann 

2:30 pm: Lecture in German from Matthias Bietz, Die Geschichte des Steinlagers und der Siedlung in Oderberg 1937-50

4pm The Bear: True Stories. Two storytellers share short stories from their lives. With Livemusik from Liz Erber. 

Thank you to: the members of AG Wasser einFluss (Norman Ebert, Paul Venuß, Lena Mutschler) in preparing the Oderraum Exhibit and all artists and film-makers who generously exhibited their work at our event: Gabrielle Erne, Maximilian Feldmann, Anja Freyhoff and Thomas Uhlmann, Johanna Martin, Elizabeth Pankhurst, Stephan Schulz and The Bear: Diane Neiman, Eva Goellner and Martin Behring.Thank you to Bäckerei Wiese for the vegan bread-roll donation and last but not least, KulturLINIEN e.V./ Johanna Martin for this wonderful opportunity for Oderberg.




Click here to see more pictures.

Open Rehearsal with Tanztheater Land Brandenburg August 3rd 2021


Tanztheater Land Brandenburg in preparation for the opening of the Offene Höfe Oderberg

Hand in Hand
Kreis - Tanz
The Audience:

The audience has been given small hand drums to help with the rhythm. Also present were three artists from the project, The Ocean Between, who visited us on this day. The Ocean Between is an American-German project, directed by Marianna Buchwald, seated far left, which takes yearly. Seated far right is Anke Aust, an artist and primary Ocean Between partner. Next year KuNaKu plans to be a partner in the project.

The Aduience