Artists-in-Residence May – June 2021
Common Views: Dan Farberoff & David Bahar Perahia
Dan Farberoff and David Perahia, had an artist residency at KuNaKu in May and June 2021. They were here on and off at different times over the course of a month and a half. During this time they worked on three projects: their object for the Aquamediale Festival in Schlepzig, Spreewald (Brandenburg), Vernissage June 5th, 2021; the 10-Year Jubalium in the UNESCO Grumsin Forest, June 25th, 2021; and for the Jewish Festival Festival in Krakow, Vernissage, June 25th, 2021.

Via photo projection on linen, the two artists prepare the textile of their object for the Aquamediale Festival in Schelpzig. They capture the image of trees in rippling water.

In collaboration with Tanztheater Land Brandenburg and their Global Water Dances - Schlepzig production. Premiere: June 13th, 2021. The collaboration took place as a direct result of Dan and David’s residency at KuNaKu.

Dan and David working late evening together in the kitchen.

David prepares the dying station in the artist’s workshop.

Next they prepared many samples, trying out different dyes and different materials.

Dan and David working in the wood workshop on a structure for the Jewish Festival in Krakow.

Often their work went late into the evening.

Creating a Community Garten, Platz der Einheit, Oderberg, 12. – 14. November, 2021

The garden was planned together with the children.
Preparing the base of the herb spiral.
Movement class with Liz and Beata.
Building the raised garden beds.
Preparing the beds for soil with an underlying layer of cardboard.
Building the herb spiral.
Offene Höfe Oderberg (Open Courtyards Oderberg)
August 21st & 22nd, 2021
Photographic Impressions

Entrance: with Oder paintings from Elizabeth Pankhurst (oil) and Gabi Erne (water color); edited photos from Johanna Martin

Oil on canvas from Elizabeth Pankhurst

Watercolors from Gabi Erne & edited photos from Johanna Martin

watercolor from Gabi Erne, Hohensaaten
DER ODERRAUM (unten):with films from Thomas Uhlmann & Anja Freyhoff, Stephan Schulz, Max Feldmann, Global Water Dances, and more. In cooperation with AG Wasser EinFluss.

Lecture Sat. August 21st: Sascha Maier, Oder plan expert, The Current Situation with the Oder Plans and What that Means for Us

Lecture Sat. August 22nd: Matthias Bietz, Oderberg Historian, The History of Oderberg’s “Steinlager” and “Siedlung” (eastern Subdivision), 1937-50

Live with THE BEAR!: 5-minute, personal, true stories, told live in German from Martin Behring & Eva Goellner;
with live music from Liz Erber on violin and lively audience interaction with your host and founder of The Bear, Dyane Neiman.
Photo: Storyteller, Martin, prepares the sound technique

Storyteller, Eva, on stage.

Live Music with Liz Erber
Open Rehearsal with Tanztheater Land Brandenburg
August 3rd 2021
Tanztheater Land Brandenburg in preparation for the opening of the Offene Höfe Oderberg

The Audience: The audience has been given small hand drums to help with the rhythm. Also present were three artists from the project, The Ocean Between, who visited us on this day. The Ocean Between is an American-German project, directed by Marianna Buchwald, seated far left, which takes yearly. Seated far right is Anke Aust, an artist and primary Ocean Between partner. Next year KuNaKu plans to be a partner in the project.
Fleamarket September 2020
Our very first event! Fleamarket with culture program

Open Stage with Oderberger musician, Martin Crave. Musicians and performers were invited to participate.

historical tours through our house and property with Matthias Bietz and Manuel Hülsmann

Due to heavy rainfall we had to make place for the flea market in the main house.