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Tanztheater Land Brandenburg

Tanztheater Land Brandenburg
Tanztheater Land Brandenburg

Tanztheater Land Brandenburg is KuNaKu’s resident dance company. The group, which rehearses weekly at KuNaKu, has a diverse multi-national backgroun and is directed by KuNaKu founder, Liz Erber.


Our main goals are to establish dance once again as part of the local, social fabric, and to create relevant, regionally-attuned dance theater, which can be performed not only in traditional theaters, but also in open, public spaces, where we come into contact with new audiences.


We would like to enliven the cultural life of Brandenburg, particularly in rural areas, and to make dance more known as a cultural form. Dance is a vital part of human heritage and culture. Moreover, dance theater has its roots in German history, and is recognized by UNESCO as part of German heritage.


Our projects include professional projects as well as events and performance with non-professionals, including both adults and children.

Tanztheater Land Brandenburg
Tanztheater Land Brandenburg

The company is active since 2019 and has organized numerous performances and events in Oderberg and the region:


Global Water Dances, Exhibition and Performance,

June 14th and 15th, Vernissage on June 14th at the “Alten Seilerei” in Oderberg, with local and international artists, films and lectures, in collaboration with KulturLINIEN e.V.


On June 15th, hour-long dance theater performance at the Museum Park in Oderberg with 20 performers, from 7 to 75 years-old, and live musicians. With professionals and non-professionals.


Event closing: a water exhibition and celebration at the city square with the Perspektive Oderberg e.V.


Event funded by an art and environmental foundation and Eurolab e.V..

Global Water Dances

„Tänze für die Oder“,

commission for the opening of Offene Höfe Oderberg, from/with Liz Erber und Beata Kana and the children from the „Water Project: Dance Theater and Performance for boys and girls (funded via Tanz Macht Stark! and Offene Höfe Oderberg)

Tänze für die Oder


Offene Höfe Oderberg,

organized by KulturLINIEN (we were to present) is canceled for 2020.

Social Dance with the Ceilidh Band Berlin,

at the Autumn Market on Oct. 2nd at the Marktplatz Oderberg.

KuNaKu Living Room Dances & Concerts,

a series of short dances and concerts eine Serie von kurzen Tanz und Musik Konzerte sind aufgenommen und am Internet veröffentlicht. Gefördert vom Landkreis Barnim.

Sozialtanz mit der Ceilidh Band Berlin


Global Water Dances,

funded by an art and environmental foundation, the performance in Oderberg is canceled and instead takes place in Schlepzig, Spreewald at the großen Hafen in connection to the artwork, ARCHA, from artists, Dan Farberoff and David Beahar Perahia. With/from Maria Elste, Liz Erber, Heike Fröhlich Roche, Beata Kana, and Hilla Steinert with live music from Michael Metzler.

Collaborations with Common Views, Artists-in-residence at KuNaKu,

May-June, Common Views is a multi-faceted, multi-national collaborative project from the artists, Dan Farberoff and David Behar Perahia. Global Water Dances was strongly influenced by their work, from the creation of our costumes to the choreography. We also danced in their project, Gemeinsame Sichtweisen, in the Grumsin Beach Forest, as part of the 10-year UNESCO site jubilee, June 25th.

Exploring our Connections with the Oder

a dance and environmental initiative, July 15th and 17th, Performance on the 17th of July in Hohenwützen.

Ein Tanz für die Oder,

commission for the Offene Höfe Oderberg Opening, August 20th, , in the Museum‘s Park Oderberg. With/from Liz Erber, Heike Fröhlich Roche and Beata Kana. Live music from Johannes Oster.

Social Dancing with the Ceilidh Band Berlin,

an Autumn Market event, October 3rd, the Museum’s Park Oderberg.

Foto von Dan Farberoff, Grumsin Buchenwald

Sacred Oder Dances,

a dance-film project in collaboration with Video artist, Dan Farberoff. Sept-October 2021. Funding from NEUSTART KULTUR, DIS-TANZEN, a program from the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, as well as from Landkreis Barnim.

Community Garden Performance,

November 12th-14th, Platz der Einheit Oderberg, funding from Tanz Macht Stark!, a program from the national ministry for education and research, 20 children/youth participated, in collaboration with the city of Oderberg, the Youth Club, the Refugee House, and the Perspektive Oderberg e.V. Work and donations from KuNaKu, the Museum, and numerous individuals.

Sacred Oder Tänze